Mythology for Astrologers


$199 $99

in ancient times, we had stories.

And astrology, being our oldest science, and most widely practiced occult art, uses the names of characters in those ancient stories.

When we learn to read a chart, we learn that planets have particular functions, like, Mercury is “about” communication, or Mars is “about” anger and willpower. But where do these associations come from? Can tracing these origins bring greater clarity to our readings?

Enter a realm of myth and symbol

One of the most nerve-wracking things about being a new, practicing astrologer, is the pressure that comes with interpreting placements in the natal. One may feel like they have to perform, or use their intuition, to pull their reading together convincingly.

Learning the myths that pertain to the deities that each planet is named for, as well as the stories behind the constellations of the zodiac, can bring a deep sense of ease and wonder to your astrology readings.

When we learn our myths, we get to bring stories into our sessions, which are archetypal, evocative, and help us illustrate the energies of astrological concepts quite well.

By bringing in myth, we can pivot away from technical astro-jargon, and re-enchant, or re-humanize, the drama of the birth chart. And this is just what Mythology for Astrologers will offer you.

Symbols and Stories Broken Down For You

Like astrology, mythology can feel daunting to learn—so many unfamiliar names, distant places, tangled webs of family drama… it’s a lot to remember!

Mythology for Astrologers will teach you the stories you most need to know to begin building your mytho-poetic confidence. Not only will we be learning specific myths, we will explore specific symbols for each of the gods, so that you can easily pull mythic images into your interpretations of the chart.

You’ll walk away from this class with an imagination full of stories and sacred symbols, sure to inspire both whoever you read for, as well as yourself!

Our Curriculum

In addition to class lectures, students will be reading along from texts like Ovid’s Metamorphosis, the Homeric Hymns, the Orphic Hymns, and Greek Myths compiled and edited by Robert Graves. Full reading list will be furnished at the beginning of class, and will contain myth sources as well as other scholarly sources about myth, for a well-rounded reading experience :)

  • In our first week, students will be introduced to my special perspective on blending myth and astrology, breaking down the how’s and when’s in explicit detail, so as to promote confidence in chart readings that are guided by myth.

    We will then learn about the myths and symbols of our luminaries, the Sun and Moon, and stories of the first three constellations, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini.

    This leads us into explorations of the Egyptian gods Ra and Khepri (solar gods), Apollo and Helios (Greek solar gods), Selene (Greek lunar goddess), and the triple-goddess formation of Artemis, Demeter, Hekate.

    Constellational myths will take us on a tour of the search for the golden fleece (Aries), the myths of Zeus and Europa, Inanna and the bull of heaven, the cave paintings in Lascaux, France (Taurus), and the myths of Castor and Pollux as voyagers and warriors (Gemini).

  • Class two immerses us directly into the mythic sphere, as we explore the origin stories of Mercury, Venus, and Mars. We’ll explore their poetic symbols: the winged sandals and helmet, the caduceus (Mercury), the hand mirror, the scallop shell, the rose (Venus), the warrior’s sword and armor (Mars).

    Constellational myths will have us exploring the symbolism of the summer solstice point and the Lernean Hydra (Cancer), Hercules’s battle with the Nemean lion, the fixed star Regulus (Leo), the myth of the Kore, the Vestal virgin (Virgo).

  • This lecture sees us immersing ourselves in the realms of Jupiter and Saturn, two planets with patriarchal reputations, and wildly different influences in the chart and myth. Sacred symbolisms and stories of Jupiter will explore thunderbolt imagery, animal shapeshifting, and the extroverted patriarch. Saturn’s stories revolve around the concept of time, restriction, and banishment. Symbols of clocks, scythes, and paternity will be considered.

    Constellational inquiries will explore the myths of the Babylonian Shamash, the Greek astrea, and the claws of the scorpion (Libra), myths of Orion and the scorpion (Scorpio), and the Argonauts’ search for the golden fleece (Sagittarius).

  • In our final week, we’ll step away from planets, and explore the role of supplemental asteroids in the chart: Chiron, Chariklo, Nessus, Pholus, Aesclepius, Orpheus, Pythia & Sibylla, as well as finding your daemon.

    Constellational explorations into the symbols and stories of Pan, (Capricorn), Ganymede the cupbearer (Aquarius), Aphrodite and Eros.

Dates & Details:

This class is currently on offer as a bundle item with the School of Divine Sympathies: A Foundational Course in Mythic Astrology.

Cost: $199

Bundled with the School of Divine Sympathies, this course is now available for $99.

What Will This Class Give Me?

  • A Fresh Poetic Perspective

    Get out from under the impersonal, heavy interpretations of sign, planets, and their meanings. This class will re-enchant your astrological lens, and rekindle a creative spark for your astro work.

  • A Unique Astro-Vocabulary

    Astrology is a tool to help individuals recognize their unique gifts, shadows, and pathways. Make your readings as personal, and powerful, as can be, by bringing in star-myth-symbols.

  • An Empowered Interpretive Vision

    Let ancient symbols and mythic figures help light the path forward in your readings, and feel confident in the depth and clarity of your chart interpretations.